Canola or rapeseed oil?

What oil shall I use in a homemade diet ?

homemade diet for a dogTo bring essential fatty acids to the diet of dogs and cats, the best is to add a vegetal oil such as canola oil or soybean oil.
They are naturally rich in linoleic acid (omega 6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3) with an optimal omega 6 to omega 3 ratio (between 2 and 5).


As omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated, they are sensitive to oxidation. In others words, to UV light and heat. Do not heat them, in order to preserve their quality, and interest. If oxidation occurs, the fatty acids are no longer interesting. Your pet could refuse both the oil and the entire meal. Furthermore, their consumption may lead to digestive trouble.

To best preserve canola or soybean oil, keep it in the fridge. Stored at 4°C in the fridge, these oils will not freeze, because of the high content in polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Canola or rapeseed: what is the difference?

canola oilThe oil comes from the seed of rape Brassica napus.

Early varieties of rape used to contain undesirable substances (erucic acid, and glycosinolates) and were not suitable for humans and animal nutrition.

Canola is a vatiety of rape, selected because it is poor in erucic acid and glucosinolates. Canola seed was created in Canada in the early 70s as a cross from rapeseed cultivars of B. napus and B. rapa . The name Canola stands for Can-( for Canada) and Ola (for Oil Low in erucic Acid). The name, at first a tradename, is now generic for edible oil from rape seed in English.

In French, the rape plant is called colza, and edible colza is called 00 (very low in erucic acid, and glycosinolates).

More information:

All our recipes include the right amount of colza or rapessed oil.